
Jet-A fuel question?????????

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Whats the average cost for a gallon of Jet-A fuel. Its part of my project the im doing for scholl, so yea does any1 kno.




  1. Don't know an average, but the FBO at the busiest airport in the world (fill in the blank) charges around $6.00 a gallon. They're on the high end, but they feel they can charge it since they're the only FBO. No competition.

  2. It is about the same as high octane gas.

  3. $5.00

  4. About $150 a gallon.

    EDIT:  Ooops, thanks folks - I missed that decimal point - wanted $1.50 - buy the way: that link that Rotor Wing Flight gave  is totally cool... tons of info for pilots about each airport... thank you!!!

  5. the price of Jet A depends on whom is buying it.  If you happen to be a big user, like the military, you can get for a buck or more a gallon.  If you happen to fly your helicopter into the local FBO you could spend anywhere from 4 to 9 dollars a gallon.

  6. Wow, skyhawk gives a correct answer for what airlines pay for fuel and gets 3 thumbs down.

    Steve gives a good answer if you are talking about the price for general aviation.

    I guess I can expect a few thumbs down now.

  7. Go to

    That is a website that will give you the cost of both avgas and Jet A at any airport that you input. You can make comparisons and average what you find.


    Simplicity, select a handful of airports and average the price of fuel.


  9. Around 4.50 a gallon . Tom said 150 , wow , If that where true it would cost around $930,000 to fuel a 737.

  10. I have been paying between $3.25-$4.50 per gallon over the last 4 years.

    If you go to

    You can type in any airport in the country, scroll down and it has fuel prices listed for most airports.

    Jet A at LAX (Los Angeles) is $6.44/gallon.

    Airlines will purchase fuel in HUGE quantities and get much better deals.

    Hope this helps.

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