
Jet kits and just buying jets whats the difference?

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I am looking at jet kits for my gxsr they run around 130. I was looking at jets for my bike and i get them for like 40 the only diference i see is the kits come with instuctions. im looking at dyno jet kit anyone know if i should just buy the jets seprately?




  1. I 2nd Dirty's,,"There's more to a jet kit..."

    The Slide Needles are a critical part of getting the bike to perform at it's optimum level.

    They also happen to control the mixture in the RPM range where most riding is done,,,,as well as  have a Huge effect on throttle response.

    You CAN simply "UPJET" across the board.

    *1 or 2 Larger  on Pilot Jet

    *1 or 2 larger on Main Jet

    * Raise the Needle position in Full step using the Clip,,,or in Fractional Steps by "shimming" the needle position with washers.

    That "works" and yields an improvement because the bikes are ORIGINALLY too lean for performance.

    And even More Lean after any mods to pipes or air intake.

    So it's a Safe and Logical  ASSUMPTION that

    >If it BEGAN LEAN

    >Then,,,Mods further Leaned it

    >ANY Increase in Jet size will yield an Improvement.

    But thats just Blindly throwing "MORE" fuel at it because it's Certain there is a LACK of Fuel.

    You can't go wrong oir hurt anything by doing that.

    On the OTHERHAND,,,

    4 Mainjets,,,4 Pilot Jets,,and sales tax is d**n near $100

    For another $30~40,,,,

    the "Extra Parts" of a Jet Kit,,

    ,plus the INSTRUCTIONS...

    AND the Support/Assistance,,,

    AND the Tested/Engineered SELECTION of Components,,

    The extra $$$ Buys the Difference between a Blind Guess in the Right Direction,,

    To actually being WELL Dialed In.

    It's Pricey,,,but you DO get your money's worth.

    Nothing is a Cheap or a Bargain if ya DONT get your money's worth....

    Nothing is Expensive if you DO get your money's worth.


    So ,,,You are gonna spend X-amount to get it Better,,,and MAYBE even Close to Ideal.

    But whatever you spend,,,,You're gonna be only a small amount of $$ away from being "As Good as it Gets".


    I'd recommend Factory Pro kit over DynoJet.

    Same Price.

    Both are good products,,,but it seems to me more F-P users are satisfied than D-J users.

    Here's a link

    They have a variety of various kits for your bike.

    Their "cheapest" one will do what You need.

    Also check out the "Ignition Advance Plate".

    That makes a big boost in Seat-of-Pants feel,,,and a real HP gain as well.

    There's mods you can do to acheive the same results,,,but Ya gotta be a pretty advanced technician.

    The Bolt On kit is easy and foolproof.

    You can contact Factory Pro and they'll be happy to tell you what Ya need to get your bike RIGHT.

    Good Luck


    Check Ebay and Online,,,most places have kits cheaper than "retail" price.

    Your '00 GSXR 600 can use '97,,'99,,'00


  2. Pay the money and buy the jet "kit".

    The kit was made specifically for your model.

    It was tested, adjusted and designed to make your bike run perfictly at all RPM ranges and under different riding conditions.

    There are 4 different circuits in a motorcycle carb.

    When one is changed/adjusted, the next one has to be adjusted to meet where the previous left off, or the engine will fall flat on it's face.

    If you just change one jet in the carb, you're throwing darts at a dart board - eventually you'll get it right.

    But that's only 1/4 of the work - then you have to change other jets and make other adjustments to get your engine running properlly throughout it's RPM range.

    The company that made the jet kit, performed all of the trial and error testing to get the exact combination for your paticular year and model bike.

    Sure you can save some money jetting the carbs yourself.

    Gauranteed you'll have the carbs on and off about 10 times before you get it right.

    Have you ever removed the carbs from a GSXR? - it's no 5 min job.

  3. THere is more to a jet kit, some have different needles and pilot jets and they have different jet sizes in them sometimes or a least they are marked different. I always drag raced in the old school days. I probably have ten sets of large head mukuni jets to get it right  and for different areas. That is a lot of money , most do not want to take them back.  

  4. jet kits are a major rip off, they are just a few pieces of brass.  you could replicate the kit for way less.  just call dyno jet and find out what jets it comes with, then buy them separately.  usually, they just come with 2 or 3 sizes of each jet and an adjustable jet needle.  

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