
Jets Vs Packers Superbowl?

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both are great teams.. is it possible?




  1. Maybe. I'd like see the Packers win that one.

  2. Ummm neither team is try learning something about football before coming back...

  3. lol...Did you seriously just say the Jets are a great team?  Do you know anything about football?

    I'd like to see that though, because then my Packers would be in it, and they'd get a first round draft pick.

  4. UHHHHHH Packers yea jets no!

  5. r you joking!?!?!?!?!

    Jets are worse than the colts, patriots, and chargers


    the Packers are worse than the Cowboys especially without farve.

    If ONE of them makes it to the superbowl ill be suprised!

  6. That would be awesome. I would begin to question whether football is scripted. But it would definitely be awesome.

  7. hahaha, let's hope so!!!

    GO JETS!!!

  8. The Jets beat the colts or patriots please  

  9. Neither are great teams.

    Packers are probably 3 or 4th best in the NFC, and jets are below average.

  10. When have the Jets been great? Favre makes the Jets maybe a 8-8 team and Rodgers is unproven for the Packers. A Jets / Packers superbowl is as likely as a Raiders vs Cardinals superbowl, wont happen.

  11. No. Something along the lines of anal s*x comes to mind here, my dear Jenny.

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