
Jetski lien release question?

by  |  earlier

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I sold my jetski to a friend. He went to get the sticker and turns out there is a lien out on it in someone elses name. Now up until Jan. of 2007 in NC we didn't have to have a title for the jetski, just the trailer. So its still in the lien owers name. I bought it from a different guy that was listed as the person who the lien was out on.

Since the jetski needs to be titled now my friend can't get it registered because of the lien. So I need to get the lien ower to send me a lien release form (fat chance) or a notorized statement of lost title. But I can't get in touch with the guy. Its been at least 8 years since he had it so I don't even know if the phone number or address I have is valid.

What can I do?




  1. Contact the company that is holding the lien and explain to them the situation, you might mention that all legal debts are cancelled after 7 years as your lawer advised you and that you have bought this from another individual 8 yrs prior and have a bill of sale .

    Possibly they will dismiss the lien or advise you as to what steps you would need to do in order to acheive this.

    Plan B find a friend thats a notary and create your own statment of lost title, then take care of it.

  2. Trying to have a friend make a false statement will wind up getting you in criminal trouble for simulation of a legal document.

    The amount of time a debt stays valid varies with each state. Most states say their must be an earnest attempt to collect every ten years for a debt to stay collectable.

    Your only option is to contact the lien holder and try to get them to send you a title. You may have to offer them a minimal settlement considering the PWC is now older and probably not worth the lien amount. If they agree, get something in writing from them before sending them money. Collection agencies and finance companies are notorious for taking the money and then demanding more.

    If you can find the guy who sold you the PWC he didn't own, you can sue him for the amount of money you paid plus court cost.

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