
Jewel-Osco...Union Hearings

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I have worked for jewel osco for almost 5 years. Recently another worker accused me of making a racial slur. I was called into the office by the manager and was told that nothing would be kept record or written down but if I did say it to never say it again and if I was asked about it by anyone to say that I had been spoken to about it. Now this coworker has pushed the enevelope further and I was called in again by the mgr and asked about it. I told them I wanted to my union rep to be present if this was an attempt to discipline me. Obviously they have to agree to allow me to do that. My question is what exactly goes on in these hearings? Is it like a trial where an objective third party listens to both sides and then makes a ruling? Also I'm not sure what to say about the first time they talked to me (that was not written down or recorded) . I didnt admit that I said anything, I denied it but Im wondering if the fact that I didnt object when I was told to say I was talked to about it if anyone asked me what happend could be held against me. I've heard its pretty hard to get fired from jewel, but I dont even want to be written up for something that is pretty much a he said, she said case. Anyone have any advice/experience on what to expect at this hearing and/or, what discipline if any I could receive?




  1. I am a pc for the same company and it is a good thing that you asked for a union rep to be present. It is not hard to get fired from this company trust me. Why do you think we have the courtesty,dignity and respect policy? Now the decision is up to the associate relation dept and your union steward to discuss this situation. Did you file a grievance with the union? You need to do that asap. Stay on this if you are in the right. Sometimes they will administer discipline with a write up and make you watch the video tape again. If you are a good employee sometime your store director can speak up for you,but, you said that you didn't admit to calling someone a racial slur so it is her word against your.You really need to read your company policies booklet thoroughly. READ IT.There are some things in it that could pertain to this situation and you will find yourself terminated because you fail to read this booklet thoroughly. GOOD LUCK  

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