
Jewish people joining parent's country club?

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  1. wouldn't do anything. I don't see a problem in that....personally, thats pretty harsh.....racism...

  2. I'm guessing you're not an Obama girl

  3. so??

  4. Boy could this country club possibly be called The n**i Woods? Seriously, there is absolutely no excuse for being prejudice.

  5. Help! you're a moron!  

  6. Get a grip. Think of all the money they will bring to that club. If you really feel that strongly about it then you might try just killing yourself and that way you and all the other bigots can enjoy the afterlife together. Hang out with Hitler and all that. Just think of the fun you could have

  7. And what do you think they are going to do? It's a country club maybe they are going golf, socialize what's wrong with that.

  8. Killing yourself would probably be the best option, the world is better off without pieces of sh*t like you.  

  9. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Today is August 8,2008 and racism still exists. Congrats you dumb bimbo.

  10. What you seem to be implying is that your parent's country club has a "gentleman's Agreement" to keep out Jews.

    If that is true, then your country club is breaking the law.   If they refuse to let Jews join for being Jews,  that is a violation of federal law and the civil rights of the people wanting to join.   If that is proven in court,  your country club could be ordered disbanded and the property sold.   Or those who enforced the policy could face large fines and jail time.  

    What do you do?   If they meet all the legal criteria,  you let them join and try to outgrow your bigot thinking.  

  11. Hey Betty does the Z stand for Xenophobic?  What are you a n**i?

  12. Live with it?  Jewish people are just people like me and you.  You shouldn't be discriminating against someone due to their religion.  That is wrong and you wouldn't want someone doing the same to you.  I've got two friends that are Jewish and they are some awesome people.  Grow up and open your mind to the rest of the world.

  13. Play golf with them u n**i b*****d...

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