
Jewish <span title="ancestry.....................?">ancestry....................</span>

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What is the best way to find out if you have Jewish/Israeli ancestry?




  1. I would start by eliciting information from family members about your mother and father&#039;s country of origin.   Then make contacts with a rabbi who will help you track back to the remaining synagogues if your people came from the European areas that were attacked by n**i forces 65 plus years ago.  

  2. You have to do the research on your family.

    Start with your self and go back.  Ask the older members of your family  for as much family information as they can remember.  Then start building your tree.

    Good luck and happy searching.

  3. You&#039;re asking about 2 different things. Israeli is a nationality.  Since the country hasn&#039;t been in existence for very long, I believe about 60 years,  you would probably know if you had an Israeli ancestor.

    Now, whether you have Jewish ancestors, you need to trace your ancestry starting with yourself and working back one generation at a time.  Not all Jews are of Israeli background.

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