
Jews/Israelis: Do any of you believe that Israel gets a little out of hand sometimes?

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When they are doing their air strikes and all that?




  1. Israel has agreed to every peace proposal.  The Palestinians have agreed to none.


  2. Israel is G-d message on earth, we wanted Israel, we took it...

    We can do what everybody can't, air strikes are our right, we can kill, we can invade, the land is ours and we don't care.

    h**l we are thinking big now... Today we got back Israel, tomorrow we will get back ....the US lol.... who knows.

    No word on earth else than the Torah, Bible and Quran are man lies...

    G-d bless Israel.

  3. No.

    Israel only attacks after it is being attacked, and the air strikes have two purposes:  Self-defense, and the elimination of future attacks.

    Thus, I think Israel is completely justified.

  4. No.  Israel is fighting for its existence among a lot who want to destroy it.  I think they should do what they feel they need to.

    If the others had not been trying to destroy Israel since 1948, there would be none of this today.

  5. Yes,as an Israeli, I reject the occupation of the Palestinian land and I would be very happy if Israel and the Palestinians could  find a way to peace. Two states for two people.

    When you are occupying land always happen not desired things.

    Anyway when we left Gaza, Hamas men continued to send rockets to Israel cities, and one of the ways to try to stop them is by using areal attacks. It's not nice, I don't like it but sometimes there is no other way to stop them.

  6. No.  As far as I know, there has *never* been another country whose enemies have vowed to "push her into the sea".  I think the "Palestinians" are out of hand when they send 4,000 armed rockets into Israeli cities like Sderot.

  7. No, I do not.

    Can you make a coherent argument as to what they should be doing instead if you do consider it "a little out of hand"?

  8. There is no arguing that both sides are at fault..

    However, there are international mandates that cover and guide such issues as military counter-levels...

    It is a simple matter of economics and fact that the Israeli army is better equipped than the Palestinian resistance...hence, in some cases, there is no balance or equivalence...or "fair play" in Israeli retaliation..

    HOWEVER, in all cases...killing is killing!!! The result is pretty much the same don't you think  

  9. The only air strikes are in retaliation for the pals/hama$$'s suicide bombings & Quassams & not all the time..A slap on the wrist to the terrorists activities of those radical extremist Muslims..So no,far from being out of hand..

    Never Again

  10. Obviously, Dont get me wrong i am a zionist and committed to zionism but there are some situations where things are too out of hand from both sides. But here is the thing, Israel attacks as self defense, and Palestinians attack from being outraged. There is a difference.

  11. No, Israel is fighting against animals.

  12. There will always be fighting between anybody and the Palestinians. When the Palestinians went to Jordan as Refugees the Fatah tried to topple King Hussain and take his country from him. The Palestinians were kicked out. This was after the 6 day war.

    There is no real solution for the Palestinian people unless they accept their fate

  13. do i agree with everything the government of israel does?

    no, of course not. fortunately israel has free speech and debates its actions all the time.

    but is it clear who's right and who's wrong?


    the palestinians are hateful and only want to destroy israel. they commit terrorism against israel and their own people.

    israel is totally right and the palestinians are in the wrong.  israel has the right to defend itself.

    that is clear to anyone with a brain.

  14. No, thousands of smuggling tunnels, katyusha rockets, armed maniacs and a bullet flee market for kids needs to be striked.

    We are way too gentle.

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