
Jews : Who do you believe the most?

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The protocols of elder of Zion (the word of a terrorist) or the Torah (the word of GOD)




  1. You said it:

    The Torah was G-d-given (at Mount Sinai, before 1.5 million people), whereas the Elders of Zion is an anti-Semitic work of propaganda.

    So I suppose now you are prepared to argue that the Torah says we Jews are not allowed to have a Jewish state, right?

    Let me save you the trouble:

    The Torah is not against us having our own state.


  2. the torah

  3. refer to the last 50-60 years, the devile or sorry the protocols of zion.

  4. The Torah helps explain the Ten Commandments, the Talmud helps explain the Torah, and the correspondences between rabbis help explain the Talmud, and in all of the above, "The Protocols" you refer to is not referred to a single time--since it is not of Jewish origin. The Ten Commandments refer to the basic rules by which the Children of Israel shall behave when they enter Israel. The Talmud even describes the laws governing the planting of trees and the eating of fruits in the Land of Israel. So, obviously I believe in the Torah, whether G-d given or not! As to "Protocols," THE PROOF OF THEIR NON-AUTHENTICITY IS THAT SEPHARDI JEWS NEVER EVEN HEARD OF SUCH! And Sephardi Jews are as Jewish as I am and would have heard of such if they were part of Judaism! Come to think of it, I am a Sephardi Jew and have never even seen "Protocols" or know what they refer to, so I don't know how they even relate to the Torah and Talmud which I am familiar with.

  5. THEY'RE ALL  B.S. !!!

  6. The Protocols of the Elders of ZIon is not by a terrorist it's a Tzarist forgery written toward the end of the 19th Century in Ruissia. As God doesn't exist he can't have written a book or speak.

    EDIT - Nowhere in the Torah does not say we're not allowed a State of Israel. Some Jews say there should be no state until the messiah comes, however, this is the interepretaition of their rabbis, there are plenty of religious Jews who live in Israel, serve in the army, have Israeli passports, etc.

  7. Neither.  Both are pieces of fiction.

  8. You keep on bringing up this "protocols of elder of Zion" I never heard of it , nor do I care to hear about it.

    The Torah is part of our Bible, a book written by GOD in Hebrew, OUR language, how dare you compare  SACRED MATTERS  with this Arab made up thing, it is blasphemus.

  9. Torah, all the way, baby.

  10. the Torah what kind of stupid question is this

  11. I thought I told you.  I am Zionese and I never heard of them.

  12. What a stupid question. That's like putting Hitler and Moses in the same sentence. There is no comparison. I believe in the Torah of God.

    I am an intelligent human being there is no reason I should believe a Czarist forgery based an a French political novel and translated poorly into English by an anti Semite.

    It is amazing anyone with even a little integrity could see that this is so far-fetched and is completely incompatible with reality.

  13. ........they believe in me and only me. capish$

  14. I have vast knowledge of the old and new testament, were does it say Jews are not to live in Israel.

  15. Zions think, they're believing in something holly!!??

    BUT, their roots are entangled in Zionism in which is known to be ''the symbol of terrorism'', unjustness and

    slaughtering the poor and innocents

    in order to go further in life!!??!

    PS, oooh,.......btw,

    due to their belief in silencing any free voice that conveys/proves the truth about Zionism and it's delinquencies, thus

    they're doing an awesome job by reporting/deleting those voices in objection to Zion's on this forum   !?

    Zions spend more times creating accounts and reporting people than the actual work!??

    HA, I mean....... talk about WUSSIES!!

  16. Beyson,

    They will say The Torah, but they are following the Protocols of the Terriorist Zion.

    No way that all the genocides, crimes and murders they did to the Palestinian are wriitten in the secret code of the Torah ! they are following Zion and proud of it.

    thank you for the question.

  17. Formal answer:  the Torah, obviously.  The other work you cite is a blatant forgery, and has been known as such since 1921.  You would know this if you had done any research, but then I'm probably asking too much.

    I've looked at your other questions:  is there some reason why you're so anti-Semitic??

    [edit]  Ultra N, lol.  You mean Zero, May-not, Gala-has-been, Jerk-gen, and those people?

  18. We live and die by Torah.  

    The protocols of elders of zion is just some book believed by athiest antisemitics.

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