
Jiggaboo Jones said he could find my home address by looking at my IP address?

by Guest59557  |  earlier

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How can I change my IP address?




  1. You can't change your IP address. You can get a little smarter by not opening email from known trolls. Don't answer the questions of trolls, just report them. That user ID will be suspended soon, because mature users have reported him many times - he's in the "review" phase which means in about 12 hours his ID will be gone.

    He can't find your home address, but if you're in conversation with him you're encouraging his behavior. Grow up, don't answer trolls, don't respond to trolls, learn to report trolls, etc.

  2. I lol'd hard at this, thanks!

    If you seriously feel threatened, just google "IP address changer". There are ways.

  3. If you have a static, registered IP address then he can look up the IP address in the IANA registry and get your contact information.

    Are you paying for a static, registered IP address? Since you don't know how to change your IP address I seriously doubt it. More than likely you have a dynamic IP address. That means your IP address changes on a regular basis. If you have a dialup connection then your IP address changes everytime you connect to the Internet. If you have an "always on" Internet connection then your IP address changes every 3 to 5 days.

    If he looks up your IP address in the IANA registry it will show the contact information for the Internet Service Provider (ISP) you get your Internet service from.  Given that info he could track you down to a state and possibly a city where the ISP office is located. The office may not be located in the same city where you live.

    There's actually a lot more to tracking down computers than people think. Are you going through a proxy server? Does your traffic get processed by the ISP's network before it gets routed to the destination? There are other variables that could affect what IP address he sees versus the one that actually is assigned to your computer.

    The short answer is the guy is full of it.

  4. Most internet and cable companies don't give a single ip to one customer. It changes weekly if not daily. I know because I work for an internet provider. And J Jones is a douche.  

  5. You can't change it, but even if you could it wouldn't matter. If he could get your old one, he could get your new one too.  

  6. Assuming you have a wireless router, apparently you can turn it off then switch it back on again after a few minutes. Your ISP has a range of IP addresses and you get a random one every time you connect to the internet.

    My dad was telling me how to do this (he's a computer engineer) but I can't remember exactly what he said. use that site to see if your IP changed, you should be fine though.

    Jiggaboo Jones was probably being stupid, ignore him. If he says something like that again tell him the police can find HIS home address using his IP.

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