
Jimmy Barnes Concert - 20 weeks pregnant?

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I am going to a Jimmy Barnes concert on 8th November, and I will be 19 weeks pregnant - will the noise affect my unborn baby? I have NEVER missed one of his concerts when he tours Tasmania, and I really don't want to miss out! Any experiences would be greatly appreciated.......




  1. He he

    Bub's pretty well protected even if there is sufficient enough hearing.

    I'd be more worried about your hearing!

  2. Noise is fine, just be careful of people banging into your tummy

  3. stay out of the mosh pit

  4. No you're fine. They can't hear until about 26-30 weeks anyway. Even then, they're totally protected! Have fun - I love that flame trees song! lol

    Thumbs down to you too, sausages. She's asking about the noise. I don't think you need to tell her she shouldn't get bumped - she's not an idiot!

  5. Don't miss it! Barnsey is always worth seeing. While your baby will be able to hear the sound, and might roll around a bit, it won't cause damage.

    I saw U2 last year at Footy Park (Adelaide) when I was (counts on fingers) around 28 weeks - I had a ball, even though I had to hold a bladderful for 5 hours cos I didn't want to miss anything! At the start of the show my baby was lively, rolling round and responding to the music, but went to sleep fairly quickly when I started dancing.

    Just make sure you have plenty of water, and send Barnsey a kiss!

  6. Just don't get pushed in the stomach and you'll be fine, I'm going to Wrestlemania 25 and I might be 7 months by then. Who knows, it will probably be good if the baby can hear the music, then you can start the baby out as a Jimmy Barnes fan before they are even born.  

  7. Your baby will be fine.

    The music won't be loud enough to damage your baby or it's hearing, and it won't last long enough to do any real harm.  Plus, the amniotic fluid acts as a muffler.  It's like you or I trying to hear under water.  The eardrums can't do their job properly.  So sounds that you hear and perceive as very loud won't sound as loud to a fetus.

    At 19 weeks the baby's ears aren't mature yet and the nerve impulses that register as "sounds" to you and I aren't yet perceived by the baby in the same way.  It's not until about the 30 weeks mark your baby can "hear" sounds.

    It's prolonged noise exposure that does the most damage to hearing in general - a one-off rock concert for a couple of hours (as long as you aren't sitting right on top of the amplifiers) will be fine.

    Put if this way - it would absolutely have to have to hurt your ears - and I mean HURT, not just annoy - and go on and on for days before it might harm a baby.  You probably wouldn't be able to stand it.

  8. It's only Jimmy though, how big could his concerts be? Or maybe Im underestimating the power his beautiful yet screechy voice has at drawing a crowd. Sorry, Ive never seen Barnesy live, but the few times he did come to my home town, he only ever played at the local sports club, which meant you could also hang in the back around the bar and seats. Might be worth doing a google search on the affects though or speaking to your doctor.  

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