
Jimmy Johns Vs. Quiznos?

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Who has better sandwiches?




  1. You guys are nuts.  Jimmy John's KILLS Quizno's.  Not only is it at least $2 cheaper, but they use much fresher ingredients and bread.  And the atmosphere is a lot more modern than quizno's.  Plus much healthier.


  2. whats jimmy jones???? btw i like quiznos flat bread salads

  3. Quiznos is spectacular

  4. quiznos

  5. Quiznos, hands down.  Have had both and saying J.J.'s is nothing special is an understatement..........

  6. Quiznos. not challenge. and i never heard of jimmy johns. but u know who has better sandwichs than quiznos? SUBWAY! I LUV SUBWAY!!

  7. It all depends what you are feeling like and if you want to go out or have it delivered.  Jimmy Johns delivers healthy sandwiches for free all day and night.  Quiznos has a pretty amazing mesquite chicken sandwich but it is not open as late.

  8. subway (eat fresh)

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