
Jimmy Page Guitar?

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What kind of guitar does Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin play? and yeah i know its electric but what brand what type




  1. yeah, he plays that gibson live, but i believe during the actually recordings of the first LZ albums, he used a Fender Stratocaster. he probably started playing the gibson later after they made some money as Led Zeppelin.

    Basically, if you want to sound like the cd, it's a Fender you want, not the gibson. you can probably verify that with a fender dealer.

    he's obviously younger when you see pictures of him with fenders, and older when he's got the gibson.

  2. Gibson Les Paul is his main guitar. For a long period of time he played a Fender Stratocaster. He plays many different variations of the LesPaul

  3. He has played a Les Paul Gibson, and a twin necked Gibson SG.

  4. 58 gibson les paul, silvertone, gibson doubleneck

  5. He plays a '69 Gibson Les Paul with a sunburst paint

    He also plays a cherry red EDS-1275 Doubleneck

  6. HeyBud

    The guitar is a Les Paul gibson, Gold Top which is what i use for my main studio work.

    It's a 1963 or 1969.

    He doesn't play a 1958 as one poster puts it. Gibson did not make gold-top gibsons at that time.I know because I used to work for gibson and adjusting all their top end guitar.
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