
Jimmy Rollins comments?

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After the things Jimmy Rollins said on "Best d**n Sports Show Period" ( calling Philadelphia fans front runners) does anybody disagree with my opinion that rollins is still a great guy who just spoke out of line.




  1. Why would he do anythign he was right on with his comments!

  2. Having been at that stadium for a lot of the home games at the Vet when the Phillies were not winning...I have to agree with him they are front runners, he was not playing the Company line he was speaking his mind and I would prefer that to him stating that the fans have always been there for them when too many times it looked like we were at a Marlins or Rays game (before their bandwagoners jumped on).

  3. I think he should speak his mind.  I disagree with him though.  As a fan you basically pay the players by attending and watching games.  So good for him speaking his mind, cant argue there, but a fan can boo whenever they want.  If he doesnt like it he can go back to sharing sponge baths with the Mets.

  4. I didn't hear the comments, but I'm guessing you are a Rollins fan who is a little bothered by what he said. Sometimes athletes think out loud when maybe they shouldn't. It will be interesting to see what Phillie fans have to say.

  5. Not only do I think that Rollins is a great guy who has done wonders for the community, I think he has a point.  He's been on a team where half of the players get booed by their "loyal" fan base and actually take pride in it.  I don't blame J-Roll at all.  He's a class act who spoke the truth.

  6. He's actually telling the truth, the Phillies' fans are the worst fans in baseball. They really need to put a fence around the stadium.

  7. he is cool

  8. Well Phillies fans are rude and crude, with attitude. They always forget what you did for them today and will throw batteries at you tomorrow.

  9. He's just speaking his mind. I definitely respect those who don't make the usual responses to media questions that are "politically" correct. Props to Rollins! I think the media is a joke for letting it get out of hand just to have something to talk or criticize about. The media sucks!

  10. I think he just likes to stir the pot to make his team play better. Haven't decided if I like this strategy or not, but it certainly wasn't a good way to become more of a fan favorite.

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