
Jiu-jitsu/weight training/running = fat lose/building muscle??

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i want to build muscle while i lose the fat that covers my six pack

i plan on eating 5-6 meals a day(most of these meals contain protein)

is it a good plan to run for 30 minutes and after that run i will go straight to weight room to lift weights?(tues,thurs and maybe sat)

or is that too much work for my muscles for one day?

mon,wed,fri-jiu-jitsu (just like wrestling)




  1. The idea is good, but if you need to focus slightly on a few details.  When you work out you have to decide what your doing.  e.i.  heavy lifts, or lots of circuit or core.  This way you can select what your doing the weight room for(most MMA guys go for circuit or core and circuit but some cycle in a few heavy low rep days for power).

  2. You've got the basics for eating right.

    Getting 30min of cardio is a great way to warm up before weight lifting. If you're lifting tues, thursday, saturday, then you are giving yourself enough time to recover.

    It all depends on what kind of workout you get with jiu-jitsu. If it's a lot of muscle building, you might not be giving yourself enough time to recover from weight training. But if it's just cardio, you should be ok. Make sure you don't' do anything on Sunday, that's your relax day.

  3. That's a great plan man. Only suggestion I would make is to run after your lifting instead of before. There are arguments on either side for cardio before or after lifting. But since you really want to show your six pack, several studies have shown that weightlifting first burns off more carbs and running after burns more fat than doing them the opposite order.

    I do bjj with a similar exercise schedule:

    Mon, Wed, Sat - 45 minutes strength  training, 25 minutes running

    Tues, Thurs - bjj for 1.5 hours

    Sun - bikram's yoga (surprisingly brutal 1.5 hour cardio workout)

  4. great work out plan

  5. It sounds like you have a solid plan. This should help huge with losing some unwanted pounds and build the wanted muscle!

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