
Joan Crawford (March 23, 1905 - May 10, 1977), do people still like her?

by Guest45193  |  earlier

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Joan Crawford (March 23, 1905 - May 10, 1977) was a legendary American actress. But I saw the movies and read her daughter's biography. So after that, or something else, do people still feel the same way about her or like her?

On her Find A Grave memorial, it always says the Flowers have been turned off because it was constantly being misused. But, all other famous legends, they have all wonderful praises on their memorial pages.

Can you tell me why this is? I know she may have hated wire hangers and was sometimes mean to her adopted daughter, Christina. But, she was not that bad, considering she adopted 3 children and she lived a very busy life as an actress, taking the generosity of her time to raise 3 children. I could easily understand it probably wasn't easy for her. I would have been drinking sometimes and throwing wire hangers and screaming. But why does her flowers turned off on her grave memorial (see link above) Please explain. I would really like to know. Thank you.




  1. I've heard of her and I have no clue about the flowers thing.Weird she died on my birthday.

  2. Sorry never heard of her but then again this is the adolocent section, you should post this in another category! :)

  3. Sorry I've never heard of her before....

    xox- Julie

  4. I have heard of Joan Crawford, yes- and I grew up reading Mommie Dearest. I never had the chance to see the film version of that, however-but I didn't need to. That story was perhaps one of the most heartbreaking stories I have ever read- and I still feel for Christina and her brother and twin sisters. They are all adults now- I believe that some of them have grandchildren, in fact- but they all bear the emotional and psychological scars from their childhoods, which were just HELLISH by any stretch of the imagination. Christopher Crawford, Christina's brother, only narrowly avoided DYING in Vietnam, in fact. Christina herself went through absolute h**l at the hands of that woman, because she was so cruel and abusive- and an alcoholic. If the same situation had come up today, Joan Crawford would have gone to prison for child abuse decades ago- and she would have been FORCED to quit drinking and get help for her emotional problems. In all likelyhood, she would have also been FORCED to give up her kids, the way Andrea Yeager was forced to do at one point.

    Joan Crawford adopted Christina and her siblings as status symbols, not because she had any particular love for or interest in them. Christina describes the abuse which she was put through with heartbreaking clarity in her book- how would YOU have liked to have to help your brother when he was tied down in bed every night, from the time he was a year old on?? Did you even read the last line of that book, which is taken from Crawford's will? It ends with the phrase" for reasons which are well known to them", which is directed at Christina and her brother. Joan Crawford refused to leave either of her older children even so much as a penny, but she made MILLIONS in her lifetime. There was nothing generous about her- she was selfish, inconsiderate, self centered, MEANER than a junkyard dog, and she was prone to drunken rages in which anyone who was unlucky enough to be nearby was likely to get hurt. That's HARDLY an example of a fit parent, if you ask me- and I was raised in a blended family myself.

    As for the flowers being turned off at her gravesite, my guess is that this is happening because of the economy, or because the workers there are looking for ways to save power and fuel, with gas and utility costs as high as they are. I can't blame them. In this day and age, when there are people who are being forced to choose between buying gas and eating, it makes sense for those in a place like that to cut costs however they can.

    I hope that time will heal the wounds these poor kids suffered. They deserved far better than they ever got.  

  5. A lot of people have not heard about her until they have seen Mommy Dearest. And when that is your first impression of a person, you sort of always think of them as a bad person. In that movie she was portrayed as a villain, and some people continue to think of her as one.

  6. Sorry never heard of her.

  7. isnt she mommy dearest?!

    uhm her daughter said she was very abusive...

    and the movie hid a lot of things...

    and she was an alcoholic...

    but idk...hmmm

    and he is right she is a legend...

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