
Job Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

by  |  earlier

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Last month i have been looking for a job for summer.I found a job working as a dishwasher.1 day for training and 1 day i worked from 4pm-1am.without breaks or eating at all.I am only 15/male by the way.

they told me that they would call me back the next time they needed has been a month now and they havent called back.Should i call them back and tell them i want my cheque back?What should i say?

I am thinking about callling them in an hour,what should i say?




  1. Call your local labour board and report them. You have the right to be paid for work you did. Did you clock in and out somewhere? Time sheet?  

  2. Hmmm... with school starting now, or soon at least, you can go to your counselor and ask for a workers permit so you can get a job while being 15.  Then you could work at a fast food place, or somewhere better than that crappy place you're at now.  I would call them and ask them for your check, and tell them that you have found something else.

  3. Wow. You kinda got what do you mean get your check back? Did you have to pay them??  

  4. you should never have to give anyone money for a job - if you do then most likely its not legit.  Call them tell then you want your ck back.

  5. I presume you mean you want your pay for the day you did (rather than you gave them money)

    It's very easy.  Stand up while you make the call, it will make you sound more authoritive.  Ask to speak to the Manager - don't speak to anyone else.  Tell them who you are - name and remind them of the day you worked.  Tell him/her you have found another job and would like to arrange to come and pick your cheque up.  When would be a good time?  When you have said that SHUT UP - don't utter another word, don't waffle, don't fill the gap -  It will come across as very confident.  The next person to speak should be the manager. .  When they come back with the answer, go and pick your money up.  

    You shouldn't have worked this long without a break - it's illegal for someone of your age.  Find a new job,  Good Luck, let us know how you get on.

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