
Job Interview tomorrow!?

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Tomorrow I have a job interview at a coffee shop and Im 16 years old and ive never worked before. What questions will they ask me? and what should I wear? thanks!




  1. stay calm don't freak it's easy.

  2. first, wear the style of clothing you believe you'll be expected to wear while working.  i'd imagine that is smart casual, so no jeans or t-shirts, but don't wear a suit either (not for a coffee shop job).

    as for the questions they'll ask, well patricia answered a lot here, but most aren't directed to you at your initial job level.

    they'll ask why you want the job - so be honest and say you want to work, get experience, learn new skills, make some money, and what else you have.

    why do you want this particular job - do you like coffee, or working with people, or the location, but again be honest.

    in fact, be honest in all your answers as employers can see through you if you're faking it and if they do employ you and they discover you lied then it won't be good for later on.

    back to sample questions now.  what skills do you have already - so tell them about working with people at school, or any clubs you've been involved with, tell them you can work as a team memeber and individually, and that you are a responsible person.

    if you feel unsure about a question then ask for them to give more info and don't be afraid to think about your answers.

    also if they ask personal questions that make you feel uncomfortable then you don't have to answer it, but do ask how it is relevant to performing your job - eg. do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?  it's none of their business to ask such things.

    they'll ask the hours you can work, when you can start, if you are ok working shift hours and weekends.  

    they might even give you a hyperthetical like 'what would you do if a customer got angry about something?'  you need to think about the best way to answer such things that keep goodwill with the firm, while pleasing the customer.

    as for strange questions like what type of animal you are or favourite colour or do you feel lucky, don't stress over these as they are nonsense questions that interviewers may use to break the ice or relax you a little.  for anyone to read anything into your answer in an interview without a whole lot of other psychological testing is talking rubbish.

    they'll most likely want to know if you've dealt with money and taking orders (both from customers and the boss) before.  if you've helped organised school or sporting club trips then you've dealt with money (or other example) and order taking bring up any time you've been a group member who has been directed by someone.

    throughout the interview maintain eye contact, don't fidget, speak clearly and concisely, don't use slang (DON'T swear EVER), don't bag out anyone, be positive and upbeat the whole time, be honest and open, and if you don't know an answer then try to get more info so you can formulate an answer or after trying to answer it then say you don't have a satisfactory answer to that right now.  show your enthusiasm for the job and the firm (have you don'e some research on the company and their market and their products yet?) do you know about coffee and other food/drinks served in their shop?

    ok, enough now, go and prepare and take some deeph breaths before going into the interview (make sure you're on time too, very, very, very important) and do your best.

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