
Job Question? I want to be sure I am pursuing the right field.?

by Guest64552  |  earlier

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I am going back to school for a second BA degree in Computer Science. I want to be a software engineer. Can I expect to earn at least 50k when I graduate?





  2. You can make $50K to start IF you are passionate about the field. But you have to be the sort of person who does computer stuff for fun and not merely do just what the schooltells you to do.

    We started our C++ programmer at $60K because while he was at school he build and ran Unix networks. He wrote his his own games and he interned with a software company while at school.

    If you do merely what they tell you to do in school, and are not really into computers you will start out in sales where you might start at $30K . However, after 10 years, the sales guys, if they work hard., can make 2-3 times what the tech guys make.

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