
Job Questions about Law Enforcement and Security Services?

by Guest21237  |  earlier

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I am in my mid 20's with no college education?

Question A) What is the best job in the state, federal, and private sector of security and law enforcement that I can get within and beyond the state of Florida?

Question B) How much can I expect to make my first, second, and third year within each of these jobs?

Question C) Which jobs offer the most variety of scenery, job responsibilities, working for or with one other person, continued education on the job, money for continued education, vacation time, and flexible work hours?

Question D) Where can I look to find more information about how to get a great job in the law enforcement and security service industries private or public sectors?




  1. College would certainly benefit you, but if for some reason that is not an option, there are many security jobs that you can obtain without a college degree. There are also police departments that will hire you even if you do no have any college credits. What you can expect to earn during your first three years really depends on the department that you work for. A police department that is more rural might offer more of a variety of scenery. You might have more opportunity for responsibility or upward mobility and continuing education in a larger department. For more information, check out

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