
Job at an airport...?

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What is the job called for the person at an airport that uses those glow sticks to manuever planes up to the gate and then they use the car thing to pushback planes. Could that be a career, or is it like a part-time job. Whats the job called?




  1. The proper name for them is wing walkers or ground handlers.  Aircraft ground-handling personnel should be thoroughly familiar with all procedures pertaining to the types of aircraft being towed and local operating standards governing ground handling of aircraft. Only competent persons properly checked out should direct an aircraft towing team

    A wing walker/ground handlers should be stationed at each wingtip in such a position that he can ensure adequate clearance of any obstruction in the path of the aircraft.  A tail walker should be assigned when sharp turns are to be made, or when the aircraft is to be backed into position.

    They are part of a team that directs aircraft to the parking spot, attached external power, air, and etc.  Most airlines will use contract personnel to perform this task to save money.  There are some big companies the provide training and services to the airlines.  Some airlines will only use their own personnel for this task.  And again the smaller airlines with use the gate personnel to wing walk, load luggage, and work at the ticket counter.

  2. Zach, that is the guideman. It is not a career field. It is a part of what ramp service agents, or customer service agents do. They also unload the aircraft and do a host of other jobs. In smaller airports they do everything-work the ticket counter, lost and found,  boarding gates, fuel and deice aircraft, load cargo, push back aircraft, work in air freight, clean airplanes, sweep the floors, and lots of other things. I was one.


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