
Job by Reference + 1 year salary as Placement Fees?

by  |  earlier

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Hi , I have done BE - Computers and I am looking for a job in Software Testing . I have around 5 months - experience. If you are a job placement agency or some one with good contacts in recruitment

probably you can help me .

Currently I am based in Pune , but willing to locate anywhere in India

Please send your contact details at

I am willing to pay my 1 year's salary as placement fees.





  1. apply to accenture. they are recruiting freshers as well as experienced people especially for software testing.  

  2. Hello Seema,

    I am not sure why do you want to offer one year salary as placement fee. Here's what I suggest:

    - Get a good resume up asap. I would not mind going to a professional for this. Highlight your project/research work in your resume.

    - Get it reviewed by some of your seniors/mentors or even professors or past collegues

    - Keep your references ready

    - Post you resume on top IT job sites, yahoo groups, spaces and google groups

    - Share your resume with IT recruitment agencies in your target region

    - Also share your resume with people in your personal network, say cousins, friends, seniors

    - Read good books in interview techniques and group discussions

    - Keep building your skills by some part time projects or courses while you are waiting for your first offer.

    - Last but not the least, have patience and do not lose your confidence. Also beware of accepting any job that comes your way. Analyse, it should fall in your short term and long term career aspirations. Apart from good salary, a great work environment, opportunity to learn and freedon of thoughts are important factors. So do not compromise.

    Send me your resume, I can try refering your resume to a couple of companies in Bangalore.

    All the best!

    P.S. : Ping me if you need any help with resume writing

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