
Job corps enrollment ....?

by  |  earlier

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i have already been to a center,so im not looking for anybody to tell me how "ghetto" it is. ) Do you have to go the job corps thats in your state or "region"? I really want to go get a trade,but I desire a warmer climate& the recuiter telling me she won't send me in another region,is this b/c she will loose commission?? Any info from somebody who has been to job do i get where i want to go?




  1. I live in Kansas City, Missouri. When they told me that they would only send me within my own region what they were saying was that I would be able to go to Missouri, Nebraska, Illinois, and one or two other places. I was sent to Cleveland, Ohio so don't get confused they are not alway telling you that you will never leave your own state. You will not be able to choose which one you go to most of the time, however you will have to option to choose more locations after you have entered the program.

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