
Job help!!!? Please answer with serious questions!?

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Okay, I have a boyfriend who is in desperate need of work. We are both looking around for jobs for him, but it's so hard because although he is at the age where is eligilabe to work he's still young and underaged. We've been looking all over. He's most interested in painting jobs. And he's experienced in painting both exterior and interior for about 3 years now. We live in Washington. Auburn, Washington to be exact. I'm just trying to help because he really need to provide the family at home too, but he just can't seem to find the right job. I also just hatched an idea, about making copies on paper saying what he does and all that and pinning it all over town and then that will give him work and people callin' in too. What do you guys think. Please help!!!! I hate seein' my boyfriend liek this!




  1. Woman to Woman. It is obvious that you want your boyfriend to do something to help out with the bills.  But if he is not as active as you are in finding a job than sweetheart, you are wasting your time....

    If he is a painter there shouldn't be a week that goes by that he should not be able to find a job with someone.  Maybe he should think about working in a paint department or shop full time and painting by the job until he finds something permanent.  Kids gotta eat....and momma does to.

    Getting a contractors license and starting his own business might not be a bad idea either.  h**l he can go door to what you gotta do to get paid...swallow ya foolish pride and get in stride!

    Also, it looks kinda bad when your girlfriend is out finding you a job.  He is a grown @$$ man! He can speak for himself you are completely enabling him...not a good look.

  2. I think you have good idea.  Try the Home Depots and other home improvement stores - they usually have bulletin boards where people who are looking for this type of work might check.  I'd make it look professional as possible.  And it wouldn't hurt for him to find a partner, because house painting is hard work and most clients won't want to wait weeks to get their house done by one person - two people can do the job faster and will be more appealing to the customer.    Good luck!  

  3. Good luck...

  4. I think that sounds like an EXCELLENT Idea, spen like $200 and get like 2000 copies and stick them in peoples mailboxes and such.

    do you have nickel ads up there, i live near portland, maybe find about a full page ad, however those cost about $1500

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