
Job help money?

by Guest63056  |  earlier

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i work as a waiter i get paid 6 dollars a hour and from 4 pm to 11 pm

im 16

ok so 6 x times 11 =66

and 66 a day is 66x 6 day work 66x6 396

so 4 weeks times 396 =1584 isnt this a good job




  1. being a part of a wait staff is the BEST job you can have in the good 'ole USA.  the problem with being on staff as wait is later on when you just simply CANNOT keep up with the other younger people in the profession.  PLUS you need to pay attention to retirement & benefits....

  2. Well hopefully you will also make tips if you are a waiter.  You should make $6 an hour or more in tips.  So are really making about $12 an hour or more.  Don't forget to give some tip money to the bus boy.  He will clean your tables first and you will get more tables and make more money.
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