
Job help?!?

by Guest34362  |  earlier

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I want to work in hosptials and work with special needs kids... is there such a job and what are they?




  1. I used to work for a company that helped the mentally challenged adults, then went on to being a teachers aide for mentally challenged children.  Find your counties school office and ask to apply for an aide position in a preschool for the challenged children.  It's out there, you just have to call and ask.

  2. there are childrens hospitals that provide long term care/residnetial treatment for significantly disabled..

    and special eduication schools

  3. That depends on what you mean by "work with". There are physical therapists, physiatrists, psychologists, psycho-therapists, massage specialists, nurses, nurses aids, and physicians who specialize in "special needs" kids.

    And the kids come in various types as well - retarded, physically impaired, psychologically impaired, mistreated, a combination of those and other problems. Again, there are those who specialize in specifics.

    You need to decide HOW you want to help, and WHO you want to help. Then any good career specialist at a local junior college near you can point you in the right direction and get you started.

  4. well i dont know about it the hospital.. there always could be a special needs patient?

    you could be a special needs teacher, though.
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