
Job interview. How to answer why I am leaving current job.

by Guest33664  |  earlier

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I am in the process of looking for a new job. My current one is with a small business that is having Financial problems. There are only 4 of use the owner his VP (girlfriend) and another girl. We have been paid in cash the last 6 pays and we are getting all the phone calls for the bills.

How do I respond when a interviewer asks me why I want to leave my current job? I don't want to bash my company which doesn't look good to the interviewer. The job isn't all that great anyway.




  1. A lot of companies are experiencing financial problems and are in the process of layoffs, I work as a contractor for a large national company and they are having serious financial issues to the point where they have suspended any office supply purchases, and they have laid off over 5,000 employees and contractors in the last 5 months.  Just explain to the interviewer that the company is experiencing financial difficulties and that there's a possibility of layoffs in the not too distant future, with the company so unstable you'd like to seek more stable employment with a solid company.  Let's just hope that the company you are applying for isn't also experiencing financial woes.

    Bashing your company would be like saying your boss is difficult to work for, the pay is terrible, the working environment is hostile etc.  Nowadays it's understandable when you believe a company is going under to jump ship.

  2. This is good question, lot of persons face this difficulty while answering this question to prospective Employer, Training8m, Queensland Australia have certain career guidelines, interview guidelines, which will help you cope with this difficulty. I feel you can be polished and say you need a higher responsibilities than what you handled in previous company. Log on to and ask the panel of experts for true guidance

  3. "It's not a good fit for my long-term goals."

    "I'm looking for more of a challenge with stronger opportunities for growth"


  4. I'm looking for a fresh start.

    you could honeslty say, "we are in financial trouble and i belive apink slip will come any day"

    that's not exactly bashing them.

  5. You could avoid the issue all together and say something like "I'm leaving for a position with more responsibility, challenges and opportunities."  If they press the issue, just say the company is nearing bankruptcy and you've decided to move on to other opportunities.

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