
Job interview follow up?

by Guest64028  |  earlier

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i want to send out a followup interview letter, can i send it through email, its ok? or send it through USPS mail?

any suggestion thx.




  1. Handwritten thank you notes are rare, and therefore are more memorable as opposed to an email.

  2. You can send it through e-mail but, if you do, you need to write the e-mail FORMALLY, just like you would a letter.  Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc. must all be perfect.  Just because it's an e-mail does not mean those things go out the window.

  3. Do you mean a "thank you" note for the interview? Tell them how much you appreciate them giving your application consideration. That's usually the best thing to do. Managers, and HR people always appreciate that. They remember those applicants. It's up to you how fast you want them to receive it.

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