
Job interview on wednesday but i am still waiting to hear about the job i really want,please read?

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ok long story i applied for a job months ago at a hospital-they have been REALLY laid back about it all and they have only just decided to interview next month (the superintendent and his deputy both had to go on annual leave)

i went to visit this hospital and they said that as i made the effort to go i will get extra credit in my interview. this job is perfect as the people seem lovely and the hospital isn't too big (I'm scared of working as a qualified radiographer and not a student anymore!!!!!!!!)

anyway i am seriously running out of money so i applied for a job in the dental hospital which seems like it will be good experience BUT it is only dental and skull work whereas i have been trained in alot more areas.

when i go to the interview should i tell them i have an interview in the other hospital as what would happen if i were offered a job then i got offered an interview in the hospital?????? if i turned down the job i know they wouldn't be impressed!




  1. Don't even mention it. It's really none of their business if you interview anywhere else. They also may feel that you're trying to pressure them into hiring you.

  2. Plain and simple, tell them you have applied for that job at the hospital. Its good Karma!

  3. Unfortunately, it's a dog eat dog world out there and you have to look after yourself! My mum has just done a degree in Radiotherapy, so I understand what the job situation is like! I say go to the other interview for the dental hopspital job but DO NOT tell them about the interview you'd rather go to. Do your best in the interview and if you like it, take the job if it is offered to you. Go to the other interview when you are called for it and if they offer the job to you, take it. If you haven't started with the dental hospital by this time, phone them and tell them that you have been offered something in your field of choice. If you have already started, tell them that this isn't working as you had hoped and you have been offered something in your own field. Most employers are used to this. The main thing is though is NOT to tell them about the other interview otherwise you may not get the job if they think you're looking elsewhere. I really hope this helps.

  4. Skull work sounds like a waste of your talents.

  5. Don't tell them, at the best they will think you are pressuring them, just like a real estate person saying another couple is making an offer on the house you want to buy. at the worst, they will think you are not interested. It is really none of their business.

  6. At the end of the day, they are interviews not actual job offers, there is no guarantee either will lead to a job so you don't need to say anything to anyone.  

  7. Just do the interview like you don't have anything else going on.

    They don't need to know about you applying for other jobs.  They realize people apply wherever they can.

  8. I would not tell them as they might get worried that you will not want the job when they pick you..

    I have been in the exact same position and i didn't say a word and i thought if i did get both jobs then i would have to think about which is best for money etc..

    Well turns out i did get both jobs and the one i stuck with was the best decision i feel and they have never known about the other job i applied for at the same time! loll i just had to let the others know that financially i needed more money and another job was willing to take me on with more hours etc..

    And if you do have to turn one down and they get mad who cares you have the other job! :) x lol

    might have not really made sense there i wasnt quite concentrating lol sorry .. x*x

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