
Job interview questions???

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what would be a good way to answer these questions?

1 What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it??

2.What have you learned from your mistakes??

Please tell me suggestions...stories from personal experience anything.




  1. for me it is that I tend to analyze everything, and always want to be proactive, im solving problem before they accur. (which can be good and could be bad). Other things, I tend to take on many tasks at once, the key is to know how much you can handle, I have learned to challange my self, I set small goals, Im working on  a project with 500 document to review and correct. I set 20 a day, when i hit that 20 I make 25 and so on.  

  2. As an interviewer who has asked those very questions, the answer about making something up is entirely wrong. Lying during your interview is the last thing you want to do.

    The key to the first question is "major problem." What do you consider to be a major problem? What action did you take? You see, you will be expected to make decisions at work. I want to know if you can priortize your work by its importance. If the only "major" problem you have experienced in life is dropping a burger on the floor, you do not have enough experience to work for me. Likewise, if your decision was whether or not you would pick up a burger off the floor and serve it to the customer, you do not have the integrity I want dealing with my customers.

    There are no wrong answers in a behavioral interview. The purpose for a behavioral interview is to see if your "pattern of behavior" matches my needs. If I sense that your pattern of behavior is lying, expect a short interview.

    What have you learned from your mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes. Tell me about one you made. Did you learn anything from it? What did you learn? That's the focus of the question.

    Have you ever cheated on a test? Have you ever overextended yourself using credit? Have you ever repeated gossip that you found out was not true? How did you feel afterward and what did you learn?

    Just be honest and use real-life situations.

  3. 1. Make up any story where you solved a problem making someone happy in the end .. it's not hard.

    2. Not to make those same mistakes again.

  4. congrats on your baby.

    1. my major problem was that i was veyr antisocail and shy.  i went out specifically to talk to people and beocme more comfortable.  now i can talk to almost anyone, have a lot of friends, and am seeing a girl.  i think the confidence given to me from doing this tells me that i can achieve anything i want to.

    2. i dont usually dwell on the past.  it's useless.  however, past experiences are great ot learn from, and i don't typically make the same mistake twice.  every time i'm in a new situation i try to take something from it to become more knowledgable for future events.

  5. For food service:

    1. I dropped a burger on the floor and had to decide if I'd pick it up and serve it anyways or not.

    2. You can never suck up too much to the Corporate Monster.

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