
Job interview quetsions help!!?

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I have a interview soon at boston pizza as a hostess, I was wondering what type of questions will they ask and what type of answer so i give? Also if they ask about my age i am entitled not to answer it but how do i tell the employer that, without upsetting him/her, all they should need to know is that im legal to work. please help!!




  1. They shouldn't ask about your age since I'm sure they know that is illegal. Honestly, if they really ask you questions that are illegal to ask, you might not want to work for them. Who knows how they would treat you as an employee in accordance to laws? As for answering questions, just answer the questions honestly. If you lie, you'll eventually be found out and then you might lose your job.

  2. When I went to my first interview at an eating place they asked:

    Can you stand on your feet for long periods?

    What kind of classes do you take?

    In a group at school, what position do you tend to take?

    Have you ever cooked or served before?

    Can you clean?

    Are you good at math?

    Do you have any idea of the days you'd like to work?

    You are going to have to write your age on the application. Be well presented and give a good, firm handshake.

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