
Job laws and numbers

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i've been working as a chef for over a year at this place in ohio. I was the head chef. And didnt get paid much so I told my boss.

"This is my two week notice, unless i do get a raise"

So that was a wednesday.

On Monday my boss offered me 10 dollars an hour (sigh) which i said i would take. She tells me to sleep on it. I do, i want it. SO i'm off tuesday, come in to work on wed. she sits me down i say "I accept the 10 dollars"

"oh well i wanted to talk to you about that. I cant give you that, its too much I decided to accept your two weeks."


"You have a week"

So i'm like i can deal with this. so i come in the next day to work, and she tells me she never said i had a week and i was done.

SO even if i gave my two weeks i was not given two weeks. I was told that this is unlawful. And i wanted to find out what i can do about it, what to call and do. I just want my two weeks severance pay so i dont go broke while finding another job.

SO what numbers do i call to report her. i'm so upset about my job loss, i gave alot to this place and to be tossed out, i need my pay.




  1. Uh...  It sounds like you didn't put your money where your mouth is...  If you go before a judge and say, "But I gave two weeks."  The judge will retort back, "But you were going to quit anyway."  Not much anyone can and will do about that.  You may have a civil case but no criminal laws were broken.

    So, let this be a lesson.  Make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before trying this.  If you don't have a back-up plan, then don't bluff the boss.  If the boss goes back on their word, then feel free to sue and sue to your heart's content...  However, small talk does not exactly equate to a verbal contract...  However, it might in your case and in the state where you work.  However, next time, make sure you have a back-up plan and contingencies worked out.  I would never tell a boss that I need a raise or I am walking, unless I was prepared to walk out that very minute...  Sorry

  2. They don't have to give you ANY time when you give notice.

    She could have told you that you were done the moment you gave notice.

    Nothing illegal.
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