
Job-less and getting increasingly frustrated!!!would love some advise/opinions from people in simmilar sitch?

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Hi there everyone ...ok my problem is this ...

I'm 18 years old and have recently finished school and have decided to take a gap year before starting University a decision which, in hiendsight i am increasingly regretting...

I live in the derbyshire area and at the time i though "Oh i'll just get a studenty type job and work for 6 months and then go travelling i don't care how unglamourous it is i'm willing to work hard, i've got ok GCSE'S (1a 2b's 5c's) and ok predicted A level results (i need BBC for my course)....I'LL BE FINE"

HOW WRONG I WAS!!!! I'ts been almost three weeks: i'm utterly miserable, have applied to every single possible shop/restauraunt /establishment in my area (Derby,Burton on trent, Willington,Repton), i have search job agencies on the web, tried the job center, tried recruitment agencies......I know what your thinking "Boo hoo poor little student....who cares" I know no-one likes a whiner but this is ridiculous!! Can anyone help? anyone the same as me??




  1. I'm in the same situation, except im 19. Its horrible! I have no advice for you as i am in the same sit' and not out of it!

    I also got straight B's. Its a bit of a pee take.

  2. Deary me, how awful to hear someone so young speaking like you do. You do have my sympathies but this is Great Britain and you should not expect anything more than a whole life of mediocrity and subservience to who ever rules this hole in anytime during the future history. It has been like this for hundreds of years so, are you really going to educate yourself for a c**p job like the others who have encouraged you to do so?

    The World is still your oyster so complete your education and get yourself a good life elsewhere. In other words, plan your escape from this h**l hole and do not look back once you have left these shores. Yes, work abroad,your skills will be used according to need and will be appreciated. Otherwise you could get an exciting career here in Mac Donald's or stay on the dole to languish until your dying day.

    Go for it,lass, and remember that it is still your life and you are entitled to do whatever you want unless it is here where,maybe perhaps, you will get the unique chance to study Urdu or Pol-ski so that you can converse with your new workmates.

  3. i did 2 yrs of my degree then took a year out. it was months before i got a job, really depressin, i applied for loads and have good grades and previous work experience in those work areas, and yet i wasnt getting picked. i think genrly there are too many applicants per job. i know how you feel. its hard work applying to lots of places and it not getting anywhere! but i dont think u shud worry its only been a few weeks. i now have a fab job, perfect for me so maybe i didnt get those other jobs coz this one was waitin for me. i go bk to uni in sept to do my final yr so im finishin my job soon and will have to look for a weekend job!

  4. I know it is `easier said than done` but try not to let it get you down.

    The country is in a mess at the moment (and for the foreseeable future) we are teetering on the brink of a recession which might or might not happen  (according to the pundits anyway).   But you must not lose hope..that is fatal!

    Someone out there will need your help.  It is not specially that you are unqualified or a gap-yr student, it is simply that there are so few jobs out there. Be prepared to do most anything within reason.

  5. It just takes time, don't give up. Persistence will prevail most of the time, talk to them, be positive, and make sure you are not too picky on your jobs. It took some of my friends a month or two to get their first job and once that happens jobs come easier to you. I would advise against taking time off from school, but as long as you plan on finishing, it shouldn't matter.

    So keep trying and good luck

  6. Start an ironing service,dog walking services or topless carwash etc the choices are endless good luck

  7. 3 weeks of looking for a job is nothing - next time you will know to look well in advance. The reality is you will have to check for jobs on a regular basis - like every couple of days

    You say you have applied - how?

    do you have a CV?

    do you have any skills? typing, driving, cash handling?

    do you have any experience of anything? bar work, shop work, caring, cleaning?

    Having a CV with information about yourself (apptitude, skills, experience rather than GCSEs but include them too) is key - ask at the job centre for any local job help agencies that will help you with a CV.

    There are jobs out there - people who speak little english and have no experience here get them - SO CAN YOU - the trick is knowing how to present yourself which is where a CV comes in. Check out the first link for more information on how to do this.

    Put the word out via your parents, family, friends, neighbours, EVERYONE that you are in the jobs market - it's surprising how often someone knows someone who works somewhere where they have been desperate for an extra pair of hands.

    Don't give up, you have already learnt a valuable lesson. Good luck.

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