
Job problem please help.?

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I have a new job which i just started on Tuesday, its a lifeguarding job. But i have a really important maths exam on Monday and i have put myself down to work on Saturday and Sunday. Should i call them now to tell them i can't come, or should i work the two days and possible fail the maths exam. I need time to study and i get really tired when im lifeguarding because its hour and a half away, which takes two trains to get there. This is a mock maths exam which will determine whether i will be entered for the exam in June, this maths qualification is highly important and would mean a lot to me because i suffer from dyslexia. Its really important to have maths in todays society whether i got to university or not i still need it.. Please what do i do, My parents were really pleased for me to get this job, they might go mad if i don't work this weekend.




  1. I think you should study tonight, on the way there and the way back and get plenty of rest after you get home from work on Sunday that will give you the time you need to study for your exam, you'll still be able to work, and you will feel well rested to take your exam on Monday. Congrats on the job and good luck on your exam!

  2. why dont you do a night out for the maths exam on both days on Sat and Sun.., you do have Fri also now..,

  3. Your parents might get upset if you don't go to work, but they'll get even more miffed if you fail your math exams.  Do you want a future or a few bucks?  I say s***w the job until you get your school work done.  Trust me, bad things will happen if you put a high school job in front of school.  Don't risk your future.

  4. See if someone will trade shifts with you and get it approved by your boss (with an explanation). Otherwise, study on the way there and back. That's three hours each day time two days or 6 hours of study time. How much do you need? You committed to work so definitely be responsible if you can't get a substitute.

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