
Job question: What should he do?

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My husband started a new job about one month ago. There are about 8 people in the office. Everyone is super-busy with his own projects, and the phones ring constantly. The boss says the phones must always be answered. Problem is that the man who gets the most phone calls won't answer his phone. When he doesn't answer his phone, then the call is transferred around the office and ultimately ends up at my husband's phone. In the meantime, the boss is yelling for somebody to answer the phone, and the main culprit just ignores the situation, because he says he's too busy...but everybody else is busy, too! So my husband ends up answering the telephones, because nobody else will, and he can't get his own work done. This situation is really depressing him, because he's always has been a hard-worker, and he doesn't want to get in trouble since he's new in the office.

Talking to the boss is not an option, and neither is ignoring the phones.

Clever solutions?




  1. Grind through it and wait until the next guy is hired

  2. Perhaps your husband can disconnect the phone from the back. That way everyone else phone ring instead of his. And I believe if he starts feeling uncomfortable about his job he can try a new career. He can be his own boss, I did that! Military for 10 years, got tire of the similar situation and got my commercial drivers license. And let me tell you something , no body is telling me what to do and I make more money than before. I'm an owner operator but even as a company driver is good pay. I wish him look with the situation but remember to tell him that "there is not problems only solutions". He is a hardworking man so the more he works as a truck driver the more money he can make.

  3. Can he just take a quick message, name and phone number, and leave the list on the guy's desk?

  4. maybe if its really depressing to him,

    maybe he should quit his job and find  a job

    that he enjoys.

  5. i would take his job in a second. I don't have any clever solutions, But i'm jelous. Because I don't do anything at work. I sit and do crossword puzzles and answer question on here.

    I wish I was that busy. I would love it.

    Your husband just needs to continue to do a good job, answer the phones and when it comes time to hand out raises or promotions, he'll be the first one considered, because even though he is busy he still finds time to answer the phone. And if he gets in trouble then that would be the perfect time to tattle on everyone else.

    He should continue to answer all the calls and when he can't get his work done, and the boss comes to talk to him, he then could say why, that he has to answer the phone, so he can't get his other work done.

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