
Job search - Ireland, Scotland, Wales?

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I am interested in finding a job that will force me to move to Ireland, Scotland or Wales, and am interested in the best job search engines etc. for that area. I currently live in Texas and want to travel. I am a history major, but haven't finished my degeree, and most of my job experiance is as a receptionist in one industry or another...

any suggestions, greatly apprectiated!





  1. For Scotland, try or

    Again different cities have local jobs advertised in local newspapers.

    For Edinburgh, it's

  2. Then you should be looking for jobs over in the UK.  Do internet searches (Google UK Jobs), look at classifieds online, etc.  But employers are usually looking for someone that is available then, not necessarily in a few months or a couple of years, depending on when you plan to finish your degree.  You might also try talking to folks at your university in the department that oversees any business or international business programs.

    If you are interested in starting your own health and wellness industry business here in Texas then taking it with you to the UK, PM me.  I may have something for you.

    Good luck!

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