
Job seekers Does anyone actually fill out that book they give you every other week?

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Job seekers Does anyone actually fill out that book they give you every other week?




  1. I've always worked up until job seekers, I actually do want a job, some people don't but I do, so yeah I do seek work and put it on the forms.

  2. they never look at it, so there's no point in filling it out

  3. When I was signing on I just filled it with imaginary jobs....suckers

  4. The whole system is a FARCE.

    Generally I have personally received poor standards of service from J>C Plus and have put my concerns to the Regional office.

    They are little more than a tax-payer funded advertising facility for any Tom/d**k/Harry who wants to set up as an Agency with no accountability to anyone and even poorer Service levels often inept invariably unhelpful.

    If you are job hunting for any time you will find that having to appear in person at an Agency with Documentation- Passport /Birth Cert etc just to simply 'register' a real bind. (This applies even to those who have On-Line facilities.) - all for a c**p minimum wage job that probably does'nt exist anyway or has been filled.

    Just have a look at the Vacancies on a Jobpoint console - See how many out of a sample refer you to an Agency!

    It is in breach of the Trades Descriptions act and should be re-named

    'ReferralPlus'.gov. uk

    Signed Old Cynic.

  5. Yes I did, I am conscientious. I was actually really trying to get a job too. Not like alot on the dole.

    I eventually found my own job and without any help from them, all they do is sit and lecture you, they never try and help you find a job which is what they should do.

    The system should be changed to get some people off their a$$es and into jobs, not pay out indefinitely to people who never want to work

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