
Job stress - getting paranoid about my health?

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I want some thoughts on how to deal with my job. First off I absolutely love my job, the people, the work and all I do. The down side that upsets me and has me stressed is that it is in a cancer centre.

In my job I deal with patients, patient correspondence etc and this has caused me to become very paranoid about my own health/mortality and that of my family. I hardly ever used to go to the doctors and now I find I go running there for the slightest problem thinking I have cancer. My doctor has been great and understands but I think she is getting a bit frustrated with me. I have been to see a counsellor about this and yeah she was ok and gave some good help but I find that in the back of my mind I still worry a lot. I read a patient letter 'patient presented with a 1 month history of.......' and think OMG I have that. I have tried NOT reading the letters but unfortunately I need to to know where they need to go i.e. referrals/follow ups/test results etc.

So any thoughts on how to stay in the job I love but not be so paranoid about my own health?

Part of me say "get over it, you are healthy and be thankful, deal with it if and when it ever happens to you, until then live life to the full" but then the old subconsious creeps in with worries.




  1. I have worked in the care sector for 24 yrs, and believe me you are not alone in your worry, but thats the downside of it. We worry because we are only human, if we did not worry, then we would be alien to anything.When we see all the illness there is, of course we think about things we should not,Its only natural.You must be a very caring person, to do the work you do, you are doing good for people, remember that.Please try not to worry so, you,ll only get to dislike the job your doing,and you do enjoy it, so carry on your work, enjoy what you do, remember, you have to be a certain type of person to work with the sick.Your special, and very needed in our society. Good luck in all you do honey.

  2. You're going to have to find a way to change the channel, so to speak. I know it's hard, and I've been there in a similar situation, hypochondria-like anxiety is quite common with healthcare workers.

    When the illness-related thoughts creep in, you can immediately redirect the thought to something else. Your subconscious can be your enemy. Ignore it. Every time it starts up, recognize it and IMMEDIATELY start a different train of thought. Worry is useless, but you know that. Start paying attention to your logical self, the part that's telling you you're okay. Repeat as necessary. Good luck.

  3. Most people in the health industry I know have a wicked sense of humor.  I thought they were just nuts but it appears it is a coping mechanism.

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