In one month, I will get insurance coverage. I can get bariatric sugery/gastric bypass with this insurance. I've been struggling for 10 years. I'm depressed. I was lied about this job and I'm driving 60 miles round trip. I hate the thought of staying for 1 month or more.
I'm thinking about getting the coverage for the surgery. Private pay insurance is 660/month. But, the gas is killing me.
I have an offer for a job that is within 2 miles from my house but the guy interviewed me was foul mouthed and made some disgusting comments like if he hired me he'd put me on a diet etc. he would pay me more than the present job that i hate and it would be doing something i enjoy but the guy was rude. and, they have no health insurance. should i get the surgery and hang out at this job until something better comes along or they can me and put me on unemployment so i can look or take this more interesting closer job with no health insurance despite the rude and disgusting remarks this man made. the economy sucks right now and the thought of trying to wait for something better is making me ill. this job lied about my duties and the boss is nuts.