
Jobs, enhanced disclosure?

by  |  earlier

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I have seen a few jobs advertised and it says you have to have an enhanced disclosure. Anyone know what this is??

I know working at an airport you have to have a disclosure scotland, but this is just a piece of paper that you pay for.

These jobs ive seen are usually medical jobs, do you have to do a test or anything?





  1. It's basically a criminal records check. Usually you do have to pay for it, but sometimes you can claim it back from the employer.

  2. Its called a CRB check. The employers with your permission will contact authorities to check whether you have a criminal record, the enhanced disclosure will check further if the job requires contact with children. You don't have to get one of these before an interview the employer will do it for you, often they will pay for it as well.

  3. Its basically the same thing as the disclosure scotland, but they look into your past a bit more etc.

  4. It's a criminal record check (CRB) your employer will require you to fill out a form and declare all cautions and convictions that you have had in the past, then they will send it off and the police will verify that your record is clean. A normal check does not show convictions and cautions that happened over 5years ago (as these are considered spent) however and enhanced disclosure will show ones that happened even 5 years previous too. You tend to get enhanced checks with jobs that work with children or vulnerable adults. If you have not been in trouble in the past then you have nothing to worry about, and your employer will sort it in your interview, you will need to bring some proof of ID passport or driving licence is ideal.

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