
Jobs at mall for a 14 year old?

by  |  earlier

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i was hoping somewhere like fye




  1. Most stores won't hire until you're 16. A few places in the foodservice industry might hire at 15 with a work permit.

  2. Even if you are allowed to work at 14, this is a major liability for any company that would hire you. The hours would be limited as well as the type of work. Often there is also the requirement of household need before allowing a 14 yr old into the work force. Such as parent is disabled and the extra income is needed for everyday living. If you really want the answer talk to your school guidance counselor, they will be able to direct you in the correct direction.

  3. all states that i KNOW OF THE MINIMUM AGE TO WORK IS 16, so you probably cant get a job yet

  4. In most places you need to be 16 to work, in malls the age is often bumped up to 18 because sometimes you need to work late. At 14 you'd probably have more luck if you tried to work at a family owned store or for a family friend.

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