
Jobs? but with a little twist

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I'm only 12 and I really want a job for money

I would try babysitting but I think people would like someone at least 13

No lemonade stand please:)




  1. I am 23 and I have been working since I was 10. Before I was 16, I went door to door and asked for odd jobs such as mowing lawns, pulling weeds, helping plant flowers, etc. You would be suprised how much work you can get as long as you are willing to work and do a good job. They will almost always pay you a fair amount and have you come back over and over. Don't give up!

  2. One girl on my block who's around your age offered a dog walking service. You can sometimes take out two to three dogs at a time, and hey, you get exercise while you work! It's simple to start to - make up some flyers and post them in your neighborhood, or make some business cards (you can get some super cute ones really cheap online) and pass them out to neighbors.

    I agree with the other post, though. Pretty much any odd job will earn you some cash - car washing, planting flowers, helping with birthday parties, etc.

  3. ppl typically wont give a 12 y/o a job that has alot of responsibility.  try yard work.  don't expect an easy job either, its better to do something hard so you can build up to more work which will lead to more money.

  4. me and my friends are starting a wasp killing job hope it works

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