
Jobs for 13+?

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heya im 13 n i really need 2 earn money, is there any websites or any help out there for me. I really need a good job.




  1. if ur a freshmen u can work at hot topic i think

  2. baby sitting, shoveling snow or mowing lawns,  pulling weeds, cleaning houses, that is all you can do until you are at least 15 or 16.

  3. wash cars

  4. im 13 too and im srry to admit it but there are ABSOLUTELY no jobs for us because of stupid child labor laws. I do babysit which   gets me about 10/hr which isnt bad. Maybe try to give out flyers about babysitting or mother's helping. Another idea is if you know anyone, like friends or family that would let you work for them would be ok. because i dont think child labor laws are against children working with their parents.

  5. there's very few jobs. paper rounds, washing cars, babysitting....unfortunately most places wont hire under 16's sorry

  6. Hiya

    Love your nickname, that used to be mine

    Okay heres what i did

    Get a paper round, you will earn in english money, around 18 to 25 pound a week, thats around 30 dollars. early mornign will pay off, but don't just try one shop, try everywhere you can and eventually they will be queueing up to hire you. Wshing cars is tediousand also they can get ratty if you don't do a good job. But put an ad in you rlocal paper, for dog walking, you'llmake a fortune, if you do it a couple of times a week. good luck xx just try okay it will be worth it in the end.

  7. washing cars,looking in the newspaper,on the internet but unfortunately most places wouldn't allow people under 16+

  8. i can't believe parents like yours!

    how can someone force 13year old to work to earn money?

    and then people wonder why young girls turn to be should study full-time

  9. in the US you have to be 16 to get a job permit. but unoficialy you can do pretty much anything someone asks you too for  a price. me and my friend do jobs for a contractor

    IE: hammer out a few thousand nails from used 2x4's

  10. babysit

  11. I am not sure what the legal working age is now in the UK, but as an adult I would highly suggest you change your screen name, You are doing nothing but inviting predators.

    At 13 you should be focusing on going to school and getting an education.

  12. there is a few for you,

    wash cars

    paper round

    stacking shelves in your local newsagents

    walking peoples dogs

    going shopping for the old age pensioners

    Good Luck and hope this helps

  13. try local pony sancturies (if u dont mind mucking out that is) or riding schools. you could help out round the yard x

  14. OK, figure out some of the places who are probably always looking for staff .... coffee shop, hairdresser, ..... wear your smartest outfit and walk in the door (with a friend or your parents) and ask if there's a job available.  I can guarantee that employers are always impressed by someone who is presentable and enthusiastic.  

    This is a link to the UK rules for working at 13+

    Hope that helps


  15. go to your local shopping centre and go to the front desk there will be a list of jobs.

    To be honest I don't think you'll get far as you don't have a National Insurance number.

    I know my students who are 15 are really struggling to get a job!

    Get a paper round? :)

    Worry about your education! :)

    Then you will get a great job!

  16. The only jobs I think you can do is paper round

  17. Ask around in shops and see if they have Saturday jobs.. I wouldn't go through the internet.  JMHO.

  18. babysitting


    yard work

  19. babysitting caddy tutoring waitress umper

    that is all i can think of...

  20. paper round or try some local shops for a saturday job
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