
Jobs for a 13 year old.?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 13 year old girl living in California

and I need a job.

My parents haven't bought me a thing in months ,

and it sucks.

I am a HUGE Jonas Brothers fan and it sucks when

they come here because they never buy me tickets

For there last tour I bought my own ticket with my birthday money and they didn't even take me!

I know there is not a lot of options but just please tell me if there are any jobs for a 13 year old.

I turn 14 in December.




  1. 1) i would first let go of the jonas brothers

    2) babysitting

    3) doing chores around the house

    4) mowing lawns

  2. im 13 and i live in california too!! lol

    get an acting job...

    it's a long process but i could explain everything email me if you want to know

  3. well ask a fam member if they needed any hlp and ask them if you could work for them my sis does that

  4. i mow my lawn for 10 bucks a week 520 a year  yard work

    ask them if they want something ask for money go to store keep change

    or make a list of stuff youll do around house and make prices cheap so theyll agree i made smoothies for 1 dollar and clean dishes wash clothes all that stuff i even got 63 dollars in a week lol one disgusting one that you can do for like 5 or less is a foot massage 6 for inbeetween toes its disgusting but good thing there is soap!

  5. I would say start pick up pocket change off the streets.  Seriously, I would imagine people in LA drop pocket change like crazy.

    You can make up to a dollar a week collecting pocket change.  If it make a small difference why not.

  6. I don't know labor laws for minors in California, but in Michigan, you can't work until you are 14

  7. babysitting

  8. Cut grass, babysit, paper route, walk neighbor's dogs, and don't fall for spammers that respond.

  9. Even with a work permit, most places probably won't hire you because it's a liability issue.  I hate to say it, but I think the best thing for you to do would helping your neighbors out with things like mowing the lawn, raking, trimming bushes etc.  Doing this you won't have to rely on your parents to take you to a job, since they didn't even take you to the concert.  It's not a lot of fun, but you actually can make some good money out of it.  It's hard work also, but I think in the long run it will make you a better person.  I'd say you make a little flyer on the computer advertising your services then go door to door on your street and knock on each door, letting the owner know who you are and what you do.  That way when they see your flyer they don't just look at it and throw it away.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

  10. You can try babysitting

  11. too young

  12. Deliver newspapers,  help out at your parents jobs. maybe if they see you acting like an adult, they will treat you to something. Work at a camp as a camp counselor? Make jewlary hand-made and sell it. Have a garage sale ?

    Hope this helps


  13. Babysit? Mow lawns? Tell your parents to stop being so uptight? I don't know. By the way, why are people so obsessed with the Jonas brothers? Their music stinks. Seriously, if they weren't as "cute" as they were, nobody would be their fans. And they're selfish b******s too. They don't give any credit to the other band members.

  14. depends wheir you live i knoe alot.

    email if need help

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