
Jobs for a soon to b twelve yr old??

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She is VERY responsible adn mature and can work hars so what are some thigns she could do?? She loves animals and litle kids but still neeeds to take some babysitting and CPR classes. SO what are some other jobs she can do to help make her a little money?? Now and during the summer especially!! Thanks in advance for ur answers!!





  1. babysitting, yes take the class.

    umm..volunteer at an animal shelter.

  2. What about a Mother's Helper?

    Basically it usually involves playing with the kids while the mom/parent is home so that she can get housework done, etc. It might involve giving small children a snack or just playing in the yard with the kids while  mom is busy inside the house.  It's a good way to get babysitting experience without having the responsibility of being alone with the kids, and I would guess you could make maybe $4-5 per hour doing that depending on where you live.

    Personally, I'd love a Mother's Helper for my 4 and 7 yr olds!

  3. 1. Lean to spell - parents want sitters that can help with school work.

    2. Take a babysitting course and get your cpr certifications.

    3. Babysit for neighbors close to your house or the house or your relatives - most people won't turn their kids over to a 12 year old without the 12 year old having emergency back-up close if there is an emergency.

    4. Mow lawns/do yard work.

    5. Scoop dog doo for your neighbors (not glamorous, but it pays).

    6. Be a dog walker.

    7. Be a pet sitter - take care of pets when people are away.

  4. If you have access to a cell phone, that makes the parents feel better about running short they can reach you.

    Yardwork.  raking out old leaves, spreading mulch, pulling weeds.

    Special projects like cleaning a garage/organizing.

    I'd hire someone to wash and vacuum my car/mats once a week, and do the windows on it.

    Walking dogs 2 or so times a day for people who must work.

    gross, but we pay the kids 25-50 cents a dog pile....  so 1 bag can be about 10 dollars to 20 dollars.  depending on size of yard.

    Vacation/house sitting.  check on their house, water plants, get their mail and paper.  you may earn 10 plus a day for that.

    Taking kids to park, or walk them to a local pool.  Lifeguards are there for extra safety.

    I'd love to hire someone to water my garden beds/flowers on a daily basis in the summer.

    hope those are some good ideas.

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