
Jobs for englishman in Barcelona?

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My friend has moved to Barcelona on a whim, thinking he would find work easy peasy, however he has been there 2 weeks and already he's running low on cash, he needs a job!! Though he speaks little spanish. yes. He says he's been round nearly all the bars in town but to no avail. Anybody have any suggestions of where to look or even know of any jobs?! I've done a bit of online searching but you know what thats like. If he doesn't get one he's coming home a comedian. And he won't like that!





  1. He will more than likely have to go back to the UK, him and about 50% of those that come here have to go back as they can;t make it work, its not at all easy, jobs are hard to find even if you are fluent in Spanish as they don't want to pay for contracted workers, if he is resolute he will not go back, then his only chance is to make his way south to either the Costa Blanca or the Costa Del Sol, but it will not be easy wherever he goes, the whole country is heading for a recession and the first places that are showing it are the tourist areas

  2. Hate to break the news to your friend but here in Bcn job oppurtunity is ziltch. Even having papers is extremely difficult to get one and a good paying one at that , without papers is impossible!Spanish laws make company/school owners impossible to hire because of expensive fines both for employer and employee.Employers are afraid and don´t take any chances.Unless maybe he might get lucky and go to a construction site and might get something there.They´re known to hire illegal workers. Goodluck

  3. I don't know what planet the last two respondents are from - I think they might just be mischievous - but if your friend is English, as an EU citizen, he has much right to work in Barcelona as a Spanish / Catalan person. I lived there for 7 years and worked in the language sector which is huge in BCN. Teaching English is probably the most common occupation for foreigners although generally he'll need a qualification. It is true that if you aren't from the EU and don't have a work permit it's very difficult to get work and is illegal. Having said that some people do manage to find work. Other possibilities are in call centres and bars (neither are that picky about papers); there's some work in I.T; some people work in the building industry; work can be found in the port - cruise ships or boat maintenance; and there are all sorts of other possibilities. If he speaks fluent Spanish he'll be able to apply for whatever he's qualified for and if he speaks Catalan they'll welcome him with open arms and he'll make Catalan friends for life. However, it is also true that the golden years are over and it isn't as easy as it was; it is also a very expensive city so he'll need plenty of money to tide him over till he gets established.

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