
Jobs? or volunteer services??

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well... summer is here and my sister and i need a job and that would be easy to get if we were 16 but since we are only 14 we can only work like ten hours a week or so over here so we might have to volunteer some where which would be good i guess because we need some community service hours but i still want to get a job just to have extra money that i want to can someone help me find a good website where i can sign up for something [i live in Spring, Tx] so it has to be somewhere close by





  1. Try dialing 2-1-1. This is an information and referral phone line that should be able to tell you if there are any youth work programs in your area. I know that some YMCAs offer youth development programs that might help you find something. You could also try the Harris County 4-H clubs.

    You could try asking your school counselor about work and volunteer jobs in your area.

    It isn't easy for 14 year olds to find work. Try speaking to relatives, neighbors, any adult you know to see if they know of any jobs.

    It's too bad that you are dismissing babysitting jobs. Local hospitals and some Red Cross Chapters offer Babysitter training classes; and young people who take these courses often find plenty of babysitting jobs to earn extra money.

    I hope you find some work that you'll enjoy.

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