
Jobsearch for an American in Germany?

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Hey, Expats in Germany - any tipp where to look up jobs for native English speakers with some German knowledge, experience in hospitality and real estate????




  1. Have you considered working for the US Military? There are dozens of American bases in Germany, and they hire both local nationals and Americans. Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that you join the military, because that is certainly not for everyone. But if you are able to get a job with the military, they can sponsor you to work legally in Germany.

    I am in the US Air Force, and there are about 50,000 Americans living in the area of Germany that I live in (Kaiserslautern). They are friendly to Americans here, for the most part, because there have always been so many Americans here.

    Just something to think about, to get you started. If you wanted to later pursue a job on the local economy, you could do that, but if you can get sponsored, it's an easier way to start, in my opinion.

    Good luck!

  2. is where I have been looking lately.

  3. You need to check for job opportunities overseas from the government. You can work perhaps for US Military as a civilian.

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