
Jock Itch....For girls?

by  |  earlier

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i have really bad jock itch. im 13, and i know for a fact its not yeast infection. its been about 24 hours now, the vagisil is reliving it, but i want it gone for good. any advice? treatments? i do not want a doctors appointment.

ps: no mean comments, im just as grossed out as you




  1. tell ur parents and go to the store and buy those creams they have...oh lol whoops ure using it. they also have those pills to put inside!

  2. How do you know for a fact that it's not a yeast infection? A yeast infection is one of the most common reasons for vaginal itching. And having one has nothing to do with how clean you are. Actually, if you clean your v****a too much you can cause a yeast infection because you kill the good bacteria that live in your v****a and keep the yeast away. It's funny that you refer to it as jock itch, because jock itch is caused by a similar infection as a yeast infection. So I know you don't want to go to the doctor, but you really need to go and have it checked out once and for all so you can get on the right medication.

  3. just stay on the vagisil cream it'll go away soon, if it doesn't in a couple more days tell someone, or you could be in serious trouble

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