
Jockey in philly is missing....did the mafia kill him?

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Jockey in philly is missing....did the mafia kill him?




  1. Most likely

  2. Which jockey?

  3. whos missing am watching tvg thay didnt say saything

  4. if its in philly probably so .  why didnt tvg cover it ,.

  5. You're kidding, right?

  6. it would not be the first time...remember

    mike hole, and Ron ride wrong

    at the right time...and you could get took out of the

    photo finish.......

  7. sometimes you dont do what youre supposed to...Hansen was a pretty talented rider...rode for friends of mine with horses in the Arterburn barn (Lonnie A. who bred lava man)...but sometimes after the feature race , during the last race of the day if he wasnt riding, he and his friends would be in the stands having a beer and he would be jaw jacking about how he did this and that...guys would sometimes follow his old lady to the window to see what she was betting...somehow with the feeling it wasnt always the horse he was on...

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